ceturtdiena, 2013. gada 25. jūlijs

EBD Polijā

Piedāvajam garo projektu Polijā uz 9 mēnešiem no 2014. gada februāra līdz oktobrim, pilsētā Dywity.
Pieteikties pa epastu - adina.jpi@inbox.lv
We are a small and very active organization which is working in rural areas. The aim of GOK is to take care for around 15 villages. In each of them we do an activities for the people who live there, like the art and music workshops. Our cultural animators are field workers.
Our Team are very friendly and active. Each of us is very creative and each of us conducts he's own activities. In GOK everybody has own ?direction ? of work. In the atmosphere you can feel a lot of ideas and activities. We don?t have a time for doing nothing.
GOK works with people between ages of 2 to 102 years:-) We do:
-Meetings with small children, artistic, manual and music workshops ( 1-6 years)
-Theatre workshops for school-age children (7-13 years old)
-Art classes for school-age children (7-13 years old)
-Art classes for women ( 30-102 years)
-Handicraft workshops for women (30-102 years)
-Dance classes for women ( 30-102 years)
-Vocal group for an adults (30-102 years)
-Computers classes for an adults (50-102 years)
-Lesson of playing on the guitar, piano, flute, drums and percussion (7-102 years)
-We have also Rock Band with very smart young boys ( 10-16 years)
-And of course we organize a big picnic, fętes and festivals (for example children?s Day, Fęte of the Culinary, Folk Art Festival, Cyclists meeting?)

Volunteer will participate and work for all off this areas, starting from small workshops and ending on organizing big festivals.
We want that new person in our team will be creative, dynamic and have an ideas for her/ his individual workshops and organize her/his own time.

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