otrdiena, 2013. gada 14. maijs

International Training Course in Romania

Ir iespēja pieteikties apmācībām Rumānijā, Baia Mare pilsētā no 24.maija - 2. jūnijam.
Pašam jāmaksā 30% ceļa izdevumi, pārējais apmaksāts.
No Latvijas kopā var piedalīties 3 cilvēki.
The main objectives of this are:
 To improve the participants’ competences in the field of vocational guidance
and counseling for youth
 To make participants aware of opportunities provided by Youth in Action
concerning personal and professional development of young people
 To promote vocational guidance and counseling services offered by youth
workers in the promoters’ communities
 To develop vocational guidance and counseling instruments and techniques
for youth workers
After this TC the participants will be able to:
 identify and understand different psycho-emotional problems of young
people (14 - 25)
 identify the youth worker’s role distinct from that of the psychologist or
social worker, specific to each participating country
 use methods and tools for evaluating youngsters, setting counseling
objectives and planning the counseling
 use specific intervention methods and techniques in counseling youth
 use specific tools and instruments in vocational guidance
 identify local, regional, national and European Institution in direct relation
with a youth worker

Interesentiem rakstīt uz epastu - adina.jpi@inbox.lv

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