Pašam jāmaksā 30% ceļa izdevumi, pārējais apmaksāts.
No Latvijas kopā var piedalīties 3 cilvēki.
The main objectives of this are:
To improve the participants’ competences in the field of vocational guidance
and counseling for youth
To make participants aware of opportunities provided by Youth in Action
concerning personal and professional development of young people
To promote vocational guidance and counseling services offered by youth
workers in the promoters’ communities
To develop vocational guidance and counseling instruments and techniques
for youth workers
After this TC the participants will be able to:
identify and understand different psycho-emotional problems of young
people (14 - 25)
identify the youth worker’s role distinct from that of the psychologist or
social worker, specific to each participating country
use methods and tools for evaluating youngsters, setting counseling
objectives and planning the counseling
use specific intervention methods and techniques in counseling youth
use specific tools and instruments in vocational guidance
identify local, regional, national and European Institution in direct relation
with a youth worker
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